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Cincinnati, OH Moving Labor

Below is our coverage map that covers moving labor for Cincinnati, OH, Covington KY, Hamilton, Fairfield and all the way to Crittenden, KY.  The cities within the Blue drawn circle on the map are considered within our service area with no travel fee.  Our starting point for this area is in Milford, OH 45150.  If any portion of your move goes outside of the Blue drawn circle or is over 20 miles in distance, a $20 fuel charge will apply (up to 25 miles).  Farther distances are serviceable, but the fuel fee will increase.  If you are located between the Blue circle and the Green circle, a $20 fuel fee will apply.  If you are located between the Green circle and the Orange circle, a $30 fuel fee will apply.  If you are located between the Orange circle and the Red circle, a $40 fuel fee will apply.  Beyond the Red circle will generally require a $50 or more fuel fee.  Call for details and we will map it for you to let you know for sure.  You can call our dispatch directly at 800-635-5295. The easiest way to find your zip code on the map page is: using your mouse at the top of Internet Explorer, go to Edit, then Find, enter your zip code and press Find Next. You will be brought directly to your zip code on the page.  The easiest way to find your zip code on the map page is: using your mouse at the top of Internet Explorer, go to Edit, then Find, enter your zip code and press Find Next. You will be brought directly to your zip code on the page.

The following cities are considered within our service area with no travel fee.* 
45150 Milford
45111 Camp Dennison
45140 Loveland
45174 Terrace Park
45147 Miamiville
45160 Owensville
45243 Cincinnati
45244 Cincinnati
45122 Goshen
45245 Cincinnati
45158 Newtonsville
45103 Batavia
45242 Cincinnati
45227 Cincinnati
45249 Cincinnati
45255 Cincinnati
45236 Cincinnati
45039 Maineville
45213 Cincinnati
45102 Amelia
45230 Cincinnati
45209 Cincinnati
45162 Pleasant Plain
45226 Cincinnati
45208 Cincinnati
45145 Marathon
45237 Cincinnati
45241 Cincinnati
45212 Cincinnati
45999 Cincinnati
45201 Cincinnati
45221 Cincinnati
45222 Cincinnati
45234 Cincinnati
45250 Cincinnati
45253 Cincinnati
45258 Cincinnati
45262 Cincinnati
45263 Cincinnati
45264 Cincinnati
45267 Cincinnati
45268 Cincinnati
45269 Cincinnati
45270 Cincinnati
45271 Cincinnati
45273 Cincinnati
45274 Cincinnati
45277 Cincinnati
45280 Cincinnati
45296 Cincinnati
45298 Cincinnati
45299 Cincinnati
45176 Williamsburg
45228 Cincinnati
41085 Silver Grove
41059 Melbourne
45034 Kings Mills
45207 Cincinnati
45215 Cincinnati
41074 Dayton
41075 Fort Thomas
45040 Mason
45254 Cincinnati
45216 Cincinnati
45229 Cincinnati
45206 Cincinnati
45235 Cincinnati
45152 Morrow
41073 Bellevue
45065 South Lebanon
45217 Cincinnati
45157 New Richmond
45071 West Chester

*The above cities are considered within our service area with no travel fee.  If any portion of your move goes outside of the blue drawn circle or is over 20 miles, a $20 fuel charge will apply.  Call for details and we will map it for you to let you know for sure.


Cincinnati moving labor help map

The following cities are serviceable, but will have a $20 fuel charge.  If your move is over 20 miles, an additional $20 fuel charge will apply (over 40 miles, $40 ).  Call for details and we will map it for you to let you know for sure.  This includes the following zip codes:
41071 Newport
45246 Cincinnati
45202 Cincinnati
41072 Newport
41099 Newport
45069 West Chester
41076 Newport
45219 Cincinnati
45232 Cincinnati
45118 Fayetteville
45220 Cincinnati
41012 Covington
41019 Covington
45224 Cincinnati
41014 Covington
45107 Blanchester
45214 Cincinnati
45203 Cincinnati
45218 Cincinnati
45223 Cincinnati
45231 Cincinnati
45225 Cincinnati
45106 Bethel
41011 Covington
45240 Cincinnati
45154 Mount Orab
41016 Covington
41015 Latonia
45205 Cincinnati
45239 Cincinnati
45036 Lebanon
41007 California
45204 Cincinnati
41001 Alexandria
45211 Cincinnati
45148 Midland
45014 Fairfield
41017 Fort Mitchell
45050 Monroe
45054 Oregonia
45251 Cincinnati
45153 Moscow
45238 Cincinnati

The following cities are serviceable, but will have a $30 fuel charge.  If your move is over 20 miles, an additional $20 fuel charge will apply (over 40 miles, $40 ).  Call for details and we will map it for you to let you know for sure.  This includes the following zip codes:
45044 Middletown
45015 Hamilton
45113 Clarksville
45110 Buford
45130 Hamersville
45252 Cincinnati
41018 Erlanger
45142 Lynchburg
45011 Hamilton
45051 Mount Saint Joseph
45247 Cincinnati
45248 Cincinnati
41051 Independence
45119 Feesburg
45233 Cincinnati
45114 Cuba
45275 Cincinnati
45026 Hamilton
45012 Hamilton
45018 Fairfield
41053 Kenton
45025 Hamilton
41022 Florence
45005 Franklin
45061 Ross
45156 Neville
45055 Overpeck
45120 Felicity
45067 Trenton
45146 Martinsville
45171 Sardinia
41042 Florence
45043 Middletown
45041 Miamitown
45001 Addyston
41048 Hebron
41006 Butler
45112 Chilo
45032 Harveysburg
45121 Georgetown
45155 Mowrystown
41033 De Mossville
45068 Waynesville
45066 Springboro
41063 Morning View
45062 Seven Mile

The following cities are serviceable, but will have a $40 fuel charge.  If your move is over 20 miles, an additional $20 fuel charge will apply (over 40 miles, $40 ).  Call for details and we will map it for you to let you know for sure.  This includes the following zip codes:
45002 Cleves
45052 North Bend
45063 Shandon
45013 Hamilton
45033 Hooven
45030 Harrison
41094 Walton
45177 Wilmington
41043 Foster
45042 Middletown
45131 Higginsport
45458 Dayton
41005 Burlington
45342 Miamisburg
45159 New Vienna
45004 Collinsville
45053 Okeana
41091 Union
45370 Spring Valley
41002 Augusta
45343 Miamisburg
45305 Bellbrook
45168 Russellville
45459 Dayton
41080 Petersburg
41030 Crittenden
45064 Somerville
45070 West Elkton


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