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Columbia, SC Moving Labor

Below is our coverage map that covers moving labor in Columbia, Lexington, Winnsboro and all the way to Camden. The cities within the Blue drawn circle on the map are considered within our service area with no travel fee.  Our starting point for this area is in Dentsville, SC  29223.  If any portion of your move goes outside of the Blue drawn circle or is over 20 miles in distance, a $20 fuel charge will apply (up to 25 miles).  Farther distances are serviceable, but the fuel fee will increase.  If you are located between the Blue circle and the Green circle, a $20 fuel fee will apply.  If you are located between the Green circle and the Orange circle, a $30 fuel fee will apply.  If you are located between the Orange circle and the Red circle, a $40 fuel fee will apply.  Beyond the Red circle will generally require a $50 or more fuel fee.  Call for details and we will map it for you to let you know for sure.  You can call our dispatch directly at 800-635-5295. The easiest way to find your zip code on the map page is: using your mouse at the top of Internet Explorer, go to Edit, then Find, enter your zip code and press Find Next. You will be brought directly to your zip code on the page.  The easiest way to find your zip code on the map page is: using your mouse at the top of Internet Explorer, go to Edit, then Find, enter your zip code and press Find Next. You will be brought directly to your zip code on the page.

The following cities are considered within our service area with no travel fee.* 
29223 Columbia
29229 Columbia
29207 Columbia
29206 Columbia
29147 State Park
29045 Elgin
29204 Columbia
29209 Columbia
29205 Columbia
29208 Columbia
29228 Columbia
29211 Columbia
29201 Columbia
29202 Columbia
29214 Columbia
29215 Columbia
29216 Columbia
29217 Columbia
29218 Columbia
29219 Columbia
29220 Columbia
29221 Columbia
29222 Columbia
29224 Columbia
29225 Columbia
29226 Columbia
29227 Columbia
29230 Columbia
29240 Columbia
29250 Columbia
29260 Columbia
29290 Columbia
29292 Columbia
29061 Hopkins
29078 Lugoff
29016 Blythewood
29203 Columbia
29044 Eastover
29171 West Columbia
29033 Cayce
29169 West Columbia

*The above cities are considered within our service area with no travel fee.  If any portion of your move goes outside of the drawn circle or is over 20 miles, a $20 fuel charge will apply.  Call for details and we will map it for you to let you know for sure.

Columbia moving labor and moving help map

The following cities are serviceable, but will have a $20 fuel charge.  If your move is over 20 miles, an additional $20 fuel charge will apply (over 40 miles, $40 ).  Call for details and we will map it for you to let you know for sure.  This includes the following zip codes:
29210 Columbia
29052 Gadsden
29062 Horatio
29172 West Columbia
29170 West Columbia
29040 Dalzell
29212 Columbia
29130 Ridgeway
29128 Rembert
29168 Wedgefield

The following cities are serviceable, but will have a $30 fuel charge.  If your move is over 20 miles, an additional $20 fuel charge will apply (over 40 miles, $40 ).  Call for details and we will map it for you to let you know for sure.  This includes the following zip codes:

29063 Irmo
29021 Camden
29053 Gaston
29152 Shaw AFB
29002 Ballentine
29071 Lexington
29020 Camden
29132 Rion
29135 Saint Matthews
29072 Lexington
29073 Lexington
29177 White Rock
29160 Swansea
29065 Jenkinsville

The following cities are serviceable, but will have a $40 fuel charge.  If your move is over 20 miles, an additional $20 fuel charge will apply (over 40 miles, $40 ).  Call for details and we will map it for you to let you know for sure.  This includes the following zip codes:
29125 Pinewood
29036 Chapin
29154 Sumter
29153 Sumter
29074 Liberty Hill
29032 Cassatt
29180 Winnsboro
29122 Peak
29175 Westville
29151 Sumter
29123 Pelion
29054 Gilbert
29112 North
29075 Little Mountain


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